Frequently asked questions.
What will MATR do with my membership fee/financial contributions?
Your contribution will help MATR make a positive first impression in the local trail community. Your money can go towards purchasing equipment for trail maintenance, hosting events, providing support to local races, insurance, or other costs associated with administrative aspects of running an organization.
Is MATR only for Winnipeg-based runners?
No. MATR intends to have volunteers who are regional representatives to ensure the association benefits members across the province. When you join MATR, you’ll have opportunities through surveys, votes, and volunteering for you to have input on where and how the association spends its time and resources.
Do I need to be a trail runner to support MATR?
No! If you share MATR’s values of giving back to our trails and promoting multi-use trails, then your support is most welcome. Lots of trail runners are also hikers, snowshoers, skiers and cyclists. We’re all people who love getting outdoors and enjoying human-powered adventures on the trails.
Do I need to live in Manitoba to support MATR?
No. This is an association for anyone who loves trails and/or trail running within the region.