TRAIL MATRs - because it matters
Let’s just take a minute to talk about something that matters; respecting the trails we run on. Not just for trail runners, but for many outdoor visitors, whether they’re on foot, bike, or horseback, trails are a key part of their outdoor experience.
As trail users, we have a responsibility to care for the trails each and every time we venture into the great outdoors. While there are no hard and fast rules, Trail MATRs outline socially responsible and environmentally-sound etiquette for responsible trail running. These principles are adapted from the American Trail Running Association Rules on the Run which are written in the spirit of the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace and echo the IMBA Rules of the Trail Responsible Riding guidelines. Together, we can minimize our footprint on the natural environment.
Well marked trails already exist; stick to them. There is nothing cool about running off trail, bushwhacking over and under trees, or cutting switchbacks up the side of a hill. Such running creates new trails, encourages others to follow in your footsteps (creating unmarked “social trails”). When multiple trails exist, run on the one that is the most worn. Stay off closed trails and obey all posted regulations.
By concentrating traffic onto a narrow ribbon of soil, trails help protect natural areas by limiting the trampling of vegetation and disturbance of habitat that off-trail travel sometimes causes. Uniformed visitors who cut switchbacks, ignore trail closures, or bushwhack, speed the degradation of trails. Worse yet, user-created “social trails” can lack important features of properly designed ones, leading to greater erosion and heightened impacts on plants and animals. It can take an ecosystem 10-30 years to recover from irresponsible off-trail use.
Also known as, don’t litter! Pack out at least as much as you pack in. Gel wrappers with their little torn-off tops, and old water bottles don’t have a place on the trail. This also means, don’t throw your apple core or banana peel into the forest. There is a common misconception that “natural trash” such as orange peels, banana peels, apple cores, and shells from nuts and seeds are okay to leave behind on the trail, in campgrounds, or in other outdoor spaces. While these things are natural, they are not natural to the places they are being left. These types of trash attract wildlife to areas with human activity, affecting their health and habits.
Consider wearing apparel with pockets that zip or a hydration pack that has a place to secure litter you find on the trail. Learn and use minimum impact techniques to dispose of human waste if you are running in the backcountry or on trails without toilet facilities at the trailhead.
Leaving no trace also means not altering the natural habitat. Spray painting rocks, roots, or other hazards, or marking the trail in any way is not okay. Marking of the trail should only be done with the correct permissions, permits, and supervision of Parks and user groups with authorization to build, mark, or maintain trails.
Finally, leave no trace also includes not leaving objects, artwork, and other items on the trails. Objects with paint or other chemicals, made of plastic, or other non-biodegradable materials can harm the natural environment. We do not have the right to alter the forest or trails.
Leave natural or historic objects as you find them, this includes wildflowers and native grasses. Removing or collecting trail markers is serious vandalism that puts others at risk.
Do not disturb or harass wildlife. Animals scared by your sudden approach may be dangerous. Give them plenty of room to adjust to you. Avoid trails that cross known wildlife havens during sensitive times such as nesting or mating. When passing horses use special care and follow directions from the horseback riders, spooking a horse can have dangerous consequences for the horse, ride, and yourself.
Provincial and National Parks have ON-LEASH rules (except in areas explicitly posted). Keep your dog on a leash and under control at all times. Dogs running off-leash can result in adverse impacts on terrain and wildlife.
Off-leash dogs can provoke defensive attacks in large animals, including bears, coyotes, and wolves. Off-leash dogs may also degrade the outdoor experience of other trail users; not everyone (or every other dog) is comfortable around dogs. If an area is posted “no dogs” obey signage. This may mean that you leave your trusty dog at home the day you run that trail.
It is also important that you exercise Leave No Trace practices with respect to removing any dog waste, packing out any 💩 they left behind.
Your dog's waste is not analogous to the waste of wild animals. Wild animals consume resources and nutrients from the ecosystem, and then promptly return those same resources and nutrients. The system is basically a closed loop with no net gain or loss in nutrients or resources. Your dog probably eats a commercially prepared kibble designed to give them a complete and healthy diet. When we leave pet waste on the trail, the ecosystem balance is thrown out of equilibrium. Be prepared and have enough poop bags with you to pick up and carry the waste until you come across a proper disposal receptacle.
Lastly, resist the urge to leave a fully-loaded bag on the trail with the intention of picking it up later. Despite best intentions, more than one us forgets on the way out which can cause a spiral effect in places where dog poop bags are commonly abandoned. We can accidentally create a new social norm, indicating that it’s okay to leave dog poop bags on the ground.
A quick moving trail runner, especially one who seemingly emerges from out of nowhere on an unsuspecting trail user, can be quite alarming. Give a courteous and audible announcement well in advance of your presence and intention to pass hikers on the trail stating something like, “On your left,” as you approach the trail users.
Keep in mind your announcement doesn’t work well for those who are wearing headphones and blasting music. Show respect when passing, by slowing down or stopping if necessary to prevent accidental contact. Be ready to yield to all other trail users (bikers, hikers, horses) even if you have the right of way.
Speaking of the right of way, runners aren’t the only ones who use trails. Mountain bikers, equestrians, hikers, rock climbers, and birders are all trail users. Some trails are wide enough for multiple trail users to pass one another, but others may be too narrow. Singletrack, by definition, is only wide enough for a single user, and so when two parties meet on a singletrack trail, one must yield to the other. “Yielding” means pulling over to the side of the trail to let another user pass. When yielding, it is polite to alert the other party that they’ve been yielded to and can proceed freely by saying something like “You’re good”.
It is polite to yield to faster runners who are trying to pass from behind. Meanwhile, it is polite to yield to faster moving oncoming traffic as well, as it requires more effort for them to slow or stop. Uphill runners yield to downhill runners in most situations, while in the hiking world, it is often downhill hikers who yield to uphill hikers. Keep this in mind when meeting other user-groups on the trail. They might be used to a different set of guidelines than you!
The next step sharing the trail is letting them know that they have a friend on the trail. Friendly communication is the key when trail users are yielding to one another. A “Thank you” is fitting when others on the trail yield to you. A courteous, “Hello, how are you?” shows kindness which is particularly welcome.
Run single file in the middle of a trail, even when laden with a fresh blanket of snow or muddy. Go through puddles and not around them. Running around mud, rocks, or downed tree limbs widens trails, impacts vegetation, and causes further and unnecessary erosion. Use caution when going over obstacles, but challenge yourself by staying in the middle of the trail. If the terrain is exceedingly muddy, refrain from running on the trails so that you don’t create damaging “potholes” in the surface.
Moisture is the chief factor that determines how traffic (from any user group) affects a trail. For some soil types, a 100-pound runner can wreak havoc on a trail surface in extremely wet conditions. In dry conditions the same trail might easily withstand a 1,200-pound horse/rider combination. There are many situational factors to consider when making your trail running decision. Trails that have been constructed with rock work, or those with soils that drain quickly, may hold up to wet conditions – even a downpour. But, in general, if the trail is wet enough to become muddy and hold puddles ALL user groups should avoid it until the moisture has drained.
Know the area you plan to run in and let at least one other person know where you are planning to run and when you expect to return. Run with a buddy if possible. Take a map with you in unfamiliar areas. Be prepared for the weather and conditions prevailing when you start your run and plan for the worst, given the likely duration of your run. Carry plenty of water, electrolyte replacement drink, or snacks for longer runs. Rescue efforts can be treacherous in remote areas. MATR does not advise the use of headphones or iPods. The wearer typically hears nothing around them to include approaching wildlife, which could pose a serious safety concern, and other humans. The most important safety aspect is to know and respect your limits. Report unusually dangerous, unsafe, or damaging conditions and activities to the proper authorities.
Volunteer, support, & encourage others to participate in trail maintenance days.