Message from the President
Greetings MATR Members!
Michael Anderson
MATR President
First and foremost, I hope that you and your families are healthy and safe. These are unprecedented and uncertain times where we have all had to sacrifice and adjust in order to preserve the well-being of our community.
With travel restricted, there has never been a better time to explore our own backyard and everything that Manitoba’s trails have to offer. Whether it’s exploring a new route or chasing an FKT, I hope that you are taking advantage of our beautiful summer weather and getting out there.
It is my absolute honour to serve as MATR’s first President. I love this community of runners and welcome the opportunity to give back. We have had an incredible response to our membership drive and call for volunteers. I am fortunate to be supported by an incredible Board of Directors and look forward to what we can accomplish together. I also want to thank the members of our working committee, who saw MATR from an idea through to this point – many of whom have stayed on in Board or Volunteer roles.
Where do we go from here?
Our mandate as an organization is to promote trail running in Manitoba and provide trail runners with opportunities to help maintain the trails they love. While the pursuit of this mandate has been slowed due to COVID-19, we are as committed to these goals as ever. In recognition of this delay, all MATR memberships purchased in 2020 will be valid for 2 years (2020 & 2021). As the trail running scene begins to recover in the coming months, MATR will be there to work with stakeholders, ensure that our members have a voice at the table concerning trail access, and will provide opportunities for our members to participate in trail maintenance.
Most importantly, we are here to serve you, our MATR members. We are committed to transparency and open communication in the pursuit of MATR’s objectives. Thank you all for your support.
Michael Anderson
Manitoba Association of Trail Runners (MATR)
For trails and the runners who love them